Useful Tools That I Use
Below you will find my all-time favorite tools. I have divided it into 3 main categories, including (1) Trading & Investing, (2) YouTube, and (3) Others.
Note: Some items listed below are affiliate links. I would receive small commissions when you purchase them. Thank you for buying me a warm coffee:)
Trading & Investing
證券商戶口 (Brokerage Accounts)
Although I have multiple brokerage accounts, I mostly use 4 of them, including (1) Interactive Brokers, (2) TD Ameritrade, (3) SoFi HK, and (4) Futu HK.
SoFi HK (初學投資者推介)
SoFi HK is my long-term investment brokerage. It has a simple interface for buying and selling stocks in the US, HK, and China markets. It has a reward system where we can Redeem Free Stocks using the “SoFi Points”. The platform provides $0 Commission Fee trading and it’s Easy & Simple to use for beginners.
我放了我的長線投資在SoFi HK,它的介面簡單易用,可以交易美股、港股和中國A股。它有一個叫 ”SoFi Points”的禮品兌換系統,只要完成任務,儲夠積分就可以換到免費股票。它的優勢有「$0佣金交易」和「簡單易用」。因為SoFi沒有電腦交易系統,所以不建議用來day trade。
Futu HK (中文介面/初學投資者推介)
Futu HK is a side brokerage for me to keep track of the stock prices on my iPhone when I’m not in front of my computer. It’s a popular brokerage firm in Hong Kong. It has Comprehensive Trading Software, Discussion Forums, an Excellent Chinese Language Interface, and is Not Subject to *PDT Rule Limitation.
*PDT 指「典型即日交易」,指五個交易日內,不可以出現多於三次的即日買賣
Interactive Brokers HK (進階投資者推介)
Interactive Brokers HK is my major brokerage for executing my intraday trades. It has a professional trading platform called “Trader Workstation”. The platform provides Fast Execution Speed, Low Commission, and a Broad Range of Investment Choices while Not Subject to *PDT Rule Limitation.
Interactive Brokers HK 是我最主要的day trade交易系統,它有一個高階的交易程式叫 ”Trader Workstation”,IB的優勢有「快速的交易執行」、「低佣金交易」、「不受*PDT限制」和「有多種投資產品選擇」
*PDT 指「典型即日交易」,指五個交易日內,不可以出現多於三次的即日買賣
TD Ameritrade HK (技術分析程式推介)
TD Ameritrade HK allows us to trade in the US Market. It has a trading platform called “Thinkorswim”. I use “Thinkorswim” to do all the chartings and technical analyses as it’s User-friendly and Professional. It also has $0 Commission Trading Fee while it is Subject to *PDT Rule Limitation.
TD Ameritrade HK 可以投資的國家只有美國市場,它有一個交易系統叫 ”Thinkorswim”,我會用 “Thinkorswim”來做所有技術/圖表分析,TD Ameritrade HK的優勢有「交易系統簡單易用」、「圖表清晰易用」、「$0佣金交易」但香港戶口也會受到*PDT限制。
*PDT 指「典型即日交易」,指5個交易日內,不可以出現多於3次的即日買賣
Day Trade的輔助工具 (Trading Tools for Day Trading)
I dedicate much of my time to trading in the US stock market. Below you can find the tools that I frequently use to scan stocks and track my trades.
Trade Ideas (偏向技術分析,短線交易美股推介)
Trade Ideas is an intraday technical stock scanner for finding trade opportunities. I use it to Find Stocks to Trade each day. The software provides traders with plenty of Built-in Scans and Pre-Configured Scanning Settings. The platform allows you to view which stocks are Spiking On News, Surging Up, or Surging Down in Real-time.
Standard - USD $1068 annually (What I use)
Premium - USD $2268 annually
*Use the link below and get 15% off
Trade Ideas是美國股票市場的一個專業選股器,我每天都會用它來找股票去交易,程式會預設一些選股標準和設定,交易員也可以自由去修改那些選股準則,配合自己的交易,去找出即時因為新聞而上落、升幅很大、跌幅很大的股票,從而增加交易員的獲利機會。
基本版- USD $1068 每年 (我用的)
進階版- USD $2268 每年
* 用以下的連結可以獲得15%優惠
Tradervue (交易紀錄推介)
Tradervue allows us to Journal and Analyze Our Trades to improve trading performance. You can import trades Directly From a Broker or Trading Platform. Usually, I import my trades every week and review them one by one. The platform provides a variety of metrics to evaluate trades such as Risk/Reward Ratio, Profit & Loss, Winning %, and Number of Trades.
Free - USD $0 monthly (What I use)
Silver - USD $29 monthly
Gold - USD $49 monthly
Tradervue 是一個紀錄交易的網站,能有助改善我們的交易表現,我們可以直接上傳在證券商/交易平台中的交易紀錄到 Tradervue中,我每個週末也會上載我的交易紀錄,再續一分析每一個交易。上傳後Tradervue會自動分析你的交易紀錄,顯示出不同的交易表現指標,例如「風險/回報比」、「損益表」、「勝率」和「交易次數」。
免費 - USD $0 每月 (我用的)
銀會員 - USD $29 每月
金會員 - USD $49 每月
Benzinga Pro (偏向基本面,短線交易美股推介)
Benzinga Pro is a browser-based platform that delivers powerful research tools. The platform includes Stock Scanning, Newsfeed, Details of Company, and Economic Calendar, etc. My favorite feature of the platform is the Headline News. It is also a useful tool to Conduct Extensive Research on a Specific Company.
Basic - USD $79 monthly (Paid annually)
Essential - USD $117 monthly (Paid annually)
* I do not use Benzinga Pro currently as Trade Ideas already has most of the features I need.
Benzinga Pro是一個強大的研究股市網頁,平台中有選股器,新聞動態消息、公司基本資料和財經日曆等。個人來說,最方便的是系統中有的新聞標題,一看就可以知道為什麼那一隻股票會上升/下跌,同時間這個平台又可以深入地研究那一間公司的基本面。
基本版 - USD $79 每月 (每年收費)
進階版 - USD $117 每月 (每年收費)
* 我現在沒有用Benzinga Pro,因為Trade Ideas已經有我所需要的功能,但是也很值得推介。
設備 (Gears That I Use)
They are the essential gears that I use to film awesome YouTube videos. In the future, I am also looking to upgrade my camera to EOS R so as to increase the video quality.
軟件 (Software)
These software help me a lot in my video production process. Although there are some costs associated with the services, they are worth the price and very helpful.
Epidemic Sound
Epidemic Sound is a large royalty-free music subscription website. Video makers and podcast creators can subscribe to Epidemic Sound and download unlimited royalty-free music to include in their content.
Epidemic Sound 是一個採訂閱制、免版稅音樂庫的網站,只要月繳或年繳即可無限制的下載音樂放到自己的創作內容中。
*Use the link below and receive a 30-day free trial.
Storyblocks is a subscription service that offers access to over 1.5 million royalty-free digital goods that can be downloaded for personal and commercial use.