What I’m doing now



I’m currently living in Thailand. In the coming few weeks, I’m going on a road trip to Hua Hin and Phuket!

I have rented a car without planning ahead of the schedule such as where I’m going to visit and where I’m going to live. I hope the random places that I’m going to will surprise me! At the same time, I’m managing my YouTube channel, trading stocks, and managing my new business on the road. A little secret, being able to work/manage the business during travel has always been the biggest dream of my life!


For YouTube, there are two things that I’m working on.

  • adapting myself to work with a video editor for producing YouTube videos.

  • increasing content diversity, such as adding travel vlogs and travel insights

In the first 2 years of my YouTube career, it was always me editing the videos and creating content. One thing I notice is that editing videos may take up a big chunk of my time and therefore, I am not able to work on other projects or start another business. While listening to lots of podcasts and sharings from successful entrepreneurs, I have learned that if we want to scale a business, we have to bring people, who are passionate in that specific field, on board. By doing so, we can work as a team to work towards a mission.

Check out my friend and my current video editor, Samuel! He has great photography and videography skills! We work so hard together to improve the quality of each YouTube video, hope you can feel our effort when watching the videos. :)


I notice that at the US market open (first 30-45 minutes, from 9:30-10:15), it’s when I have a relatively poor trading performance. Therefore, I have set a new rule for myself, limiting my maximum drawdown to 3R, so that I can preserve the capital for the best time to trade (after 10:15). By doing so, I also feel less stress when I am trading!

My Life

To use a few words to describe my current life — Push My Limit

Travel Filming— This is my first time filming YouTube videos during traveling, so I need to try out different angles to film videos.

New Business — I’m starting a new business. There is a lot of stuff going on in this new business! The business is scheduled to launch in the upcoming month.

Build my social circle — I’ve always been so introverted when interacting with people. However what I notice is that to improve as a human or a business, we have to keep facing our fear. For me is posting more social content, interacting more with people, and meeting new friends! If you happened to be in Thailand in these few months, let’s meet up!


Updated June 13th, 2022, from Bangkok, Thailand.